The exhibition of more than 200 historical and contemporary photographs on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Czech airlines was presented in the Terminal 2 at Václav Havel Airport Prague. The exhibition was divided in three chronological parts describing the history of the company since its establishment through the war years of the 1940s to the politically turbulent 1960s, ending with the airline’s operation within the Cesky Aeroholding Group.
The exhibition was accompanied by other memorabilia, such as ten contemporary pilot and aviation staff uniforms, a model of a three-motor SavoiaMarchetti passenger aircraft from the 1930s-1940s, six of which flew under the Czech Airlines, films and the Czech Airline fleet depicted in twenty large-format photographs in the form of large-scale hanging banners.
Anniversary exhibition at the Václav Havel Airport Prague
Hostivař Golf Gallery
(Čeština) Životní příběh jedné z největších českých filmových hvězd
Herbert Slavík
Herbert Slavík
Czech Olympic Committee
(Čeština) Nová lifestylová publikace je poctou vodě a všem lidem, kterým se vodní živel stal láskou, dobrodružstvím, sportovní výzvou i odpočinkem.
(Čeština) Oslava tradice a popularity lyžování, snowboardingu a zimní rekreace v České republice
Czech Olympic Committee Campaign
(Čeština) Merchandisingové oblečení
(Čeština) Reprezentativní publikace
(Čeština) Imageové fotografie produktů společnosti
(Čeština) Kniha portrétů
(Čeština) 120 let Českého olympijského výboru
(Čeština) Centrála ČSOB
(Čeština) Výstava portrétů týmu YIT v galerii Mánes
(Čeština) Výroční publikace Českého atletického svazu
(Čeština) Ambasadoři CZECH TEAM
(Čeština) Fotografická publikace
Photography book for the airport´s 75th anniversary
Image Photos
Herbert Slavík´s Photo Project
Pilsen – European Capital of Culture
Travelling Exhibition
Outdoor exhibitions in 7 Czech cities
Image Photos
Photos for company magazine
Family photos and portraits
Limited set of Herbert Slavík´s sports photographs
Exhibition of Herbert Slavík´s sport photos Olympic Park at Letná, Prague
Outdoor and media campaign
Calendar marking the 10th anniversary of the RWE Transgas company in the Czech Republic
Portrait photos of MEPs
Exclusive folder with photo
Documentary photos
Corporate portraits and family photos
Photography book
Exhibition of the Czech Press Photo authors
Kampa Park, Prague
Product catalogue
Calendar marking the 15th anniversary of the company
on the Czech market
Portraits and family photos
Czech EU Presidency
Photography book
Exhibition at the Old Town Hall in Prague
Outdoor Campaign
Landscape of Emotions
Photo Book
Exhibition marking 75th Anniversary of the Airport
Book on Czech participation on EXPO exhibition
Shanghai, 2010
Outdoor exhibition
Kampa Park, Prague
Reportage Photography
Photography Book
Exclusive photo album
Book published to accompany the photo exhibition of Herbert Slavík
VIP catalogue
Calendar of the Czech Army Aircrafts
Table calendar
Corporate Events Photos
Publications issued on the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the EU Council
Anniversary exhibition at the Václav Havel Airport Prague